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  • 2023 MWSA General Membership Conference and Awards Banquet

2023 MWSA General Membership Conference and Awards Banquet

  • 14 Sep 2023
  • 5:30 PM
  • 17 Sep 2023
  • 11:00 AM
  • New London, CT
  • 19


  • Awards banquet only. If you'd like to attend any conference events or activities, please select the one of the Full- or Half-Conference options.
  • Awards banquet only. If you'd like to attend any conference events or activities, please select the one of the Full- or Half-Conference options.
  • All conference events and meals for Friday & Saturday (Sept. 15-16). Also includes the reception on Thursday evening (the 14th).
  • All conference events and meals for Friday & Saturday (Sept. 15-16). Also includes the reception on Thursday evening (the 14th).

    The discounted early bird rate will not be available after April 30.
  • All events and meals at the Holiday Inn Hotel, New London, CT September 15 and 16th, plus the reception on the 14th of September at the hotel.
  • All conference hotel events and meals after (not including) lunch on Friday, 15 September -- includes the awards banquet Saturday, September 16, 2023.
  • All conference hotel events and meals after (not including) lunch on Friday, 15 September -- includes the awards banquet Saturday, September 16.

Registration is closed

Notes & Instructions

Click on the blue REGISTER button to get started. Next, enter your email. If you're an MWSA member, the system should recognize your email, and you'll be asked to sign in at this point. Non-members will fill in contact details. Next, select the attendance/registration option you prefer, add guest(s), and pay for your conference attendance using our secure payment system.


  • Members will have to log in to see and register for MWSA member rates (until you're logged in, only the non-member or public conference rates will be visible).
  • Members and their guest(s) pay the member rate. Non-members and their guest(s) pay the non-member rate. If you're a non-member, why not join us and enjoy the benefits of MWSA membership?
  • When registering at the hotel tell them the room is for the "MWS Block of Rooms" (yes, without the A)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the event organizers at

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Current Address:

125 Silver Sage Ct
Weatherford TX 76087

MWSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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