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Membership level
1-year member
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
- full membership benefits and access
- one-year membership term (non-discount rate)
** for a limited time, 50% discounts may be available. Check our "Membership Discounts" page for details. If you have a code, you'll be able to enter it on the next page.
2-year member
- $90.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 2 years
No automatically recurring payments
- full membership benefits and access
- two-year membership term (10% discount from annual rate)
3-year member
- $120.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 3 years
No automatically recurring payments
- full membership benefits and access
- three-year membership term (20% discount from annual rate)
Associate member
- Free
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
- Receive emails, limited access to members-only sections of website.
- Cannot submit book for review & award consideration
- Can upgrade to full membership at any time.
- Associate Membership renews annually (still at zero cost)--just to make sure you're still interested in hearing from us!
CAUTION. If you are currently an active (dues-current) member and opt to change your membership to associate member, you will lose all your active member benefits.